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Talent Management - Practices by Indian IT Sector

Year 2018
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XI Issue - II Jul. - Dec. 2018
Title Talent Management - Practices by Indian IT Sector
Authors Anuradha Mishra, Dept. of Business Administration, Utkal University, India, , P.K. Mohanty, Dept. of Business Administration, Utkal University, India
Broad area Talent Management - Practices by Indian IT Sector
 This paper sheds light on the Talent Management practices in some of the major IT companies in India. As one of the key challenges faced in the current business environment is to develop and maintain a competitive advantage, this paper discusses a few such innovative HR strategies adopted by the IT companies to attract and retain talent, such as offering jobs to people with vision and value congruence, enhancing the credibility of the organisation through brand building, providing opportunities for personal growth, creating a sense of ownership among employees through participation in decision making, creating entrepreneurial opportunities within the organisation, attracting employees to a serene lifestyle in peaceful and scenic location and providing attractive fringe benefits to employees. The research methodology adopted is compared using attributes and presented in a tabular representation where the secondary data is collected from journals, websites and books. The overall findings pertaining to talent management practices and human capital management are quite positive in the IT companies. Organisations having structured talent management strategies positively impact employees' pride in their organizations and willingness to recommend them as places to work and a deep understanding of business issues must include how workforce can best be managed.
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