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Emotional Intelligence

Year 2008
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 1 | Issue 1 | July – December
Title Emotional Intelligence
Authors Dolly Dolai , Sibasish Dolai
Broad area Emotional Intelligence
Managing people at workplace has become
the greatest challenge for every organization.
Emotional intelligence plays a major role in
managing people at work place. This paper
deals with how emotional intelligence impacts
behavior and job performance at work place.
It also addresses its impact on work outcomes
and organizational citizenship behavior. This
paper includes in it a case study which shows
how Emotional Intelligence has a positive
impact on the organizational climate and in
professional performance.
Description Emotional intelligence (EI or EQ) is the ability to manage emotions and create positive influence in the social environment resulting in win-win connections and outcomes. This ability allows having precise emotional responses to situations that demand mor
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