Abstract |
The corporates are recognized as a juristic personality in the eyes of the law. But for the misdeeds, the company cannot be punished because it has neither a body nor a soul to be hanged or banged. Therefore, the citizenship status is not given to the corporations in the Constitution of India and they cannot invoke the fundamental rights available to the citizens of India. However, according to the Supreme Court decisions in the Bank Nationalisation case, Bennett Coleman & Co. case, Godhra Electric Co. Ltd. Case, it was held that the right of a shareholder and the company which the shareholders have formed are co-extensive and the denial to one of the fundamental rights would be denial to other. Further, business of the corporations and companies depends on the society for existence, sustenance and encouragement. Dependence of business on society leads to a definite responsibility towards society which is commonly called as Corporate Social Responsibility. The Corporate Social Responsibility refers to the responsibility of decision makers to take actions which protect and improve the welfare of the society as a whole which may consist of many issues viz. environmental concerns, community concerns, law abiding, philanthropic, managing crises like earth –quakes, tsunami etc., civic duties and so on and so forth. In this paper, an attempt is made to highlight the corporate responsibilities to women empowerment and how they can discharge their obligations in the area of women education, employment and empowerment. |
Referenceses |
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6. Bare Act- Indian Penal Code, 1860
7. Pandey J. N. (Dr,) – “Constitutional Law of India” – Central Law Agency, Allahabad, 32nd Edition (2002). |