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The Effects of Work Environment, Self-evaluation at Workplace and Employee Morale on Employee Engagement

Year 2019
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XII Issue - I Jan. - Jun. 2019
Title The Effects of Work Environment, Self-evaluation at Workplace and Employee Morale on Employee Engagement
Authors Bidya Dash Faculty at College of IT and Management Education, Bhubaneswar , Pravat Kumar Mohanty Retd. Professor, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
Broad area The Effects of Work Environment, Self-evaluation at Workplace and Employee Morale on Employee Engagement
 The main objective of this study is to test the effects of work environment, self-evaluation at workplace, and employee morale on employee engagement in private sector banks in Odisha. Through the literature review, the hypothesized model and hypotheses were developed. Using data gathered from 161 private bank employees, the current study tested hypotheses using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed employee morale has no positive effect on employee engagement. However, it was found that work environment and self-evaluation at workplace have positive effects on employee engagement. The research is limited to private banks operating in Bhubaneswar. These findings provide useful insights and suggestions for the management in private banks to gain knowledge of developing an approach of employee engagement among their employees by adopting better environment in the organization as well as implementing HR practices associated to employee morale and self-evaluation at workplace. Despite favorable outcomes of employee engagement and the increased interest in this topic, less attention has been made on the effect on employee morale. Indeed, most of the studies to date on employee engagement have been conducted in the western zone and not in the east zone. Thus, this study sought to understand employee engagement in east zone, especially in Bhubaneswar. The findings of this study could be useful for banking organizations to understand the relevancy of employee engagement for positive effect on work engagement and self-evaluation at workplace.
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