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Theory of Reasoned Action and Organic Food Buying in India

Year 2019
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XII Issue - II, July - Dec., 2019
Title Theory of Reasoned Action and Organic Food Buying in India
Authors Dr. Pankaj Agarwal
Broad area Theory of Reasoned Action and Organic Food Buying in India
 The purpose of this paper is to find out a relationship between attitude towards organic food, subjective norms and buying intention of organic food. This study explores the impact of attitude and subjective norms on buying intentions and the impact of subjective norms on attitude towards organic food. Data were collected with the help of a structured questionnaire; questionnaires were e-mailed to the respondents from different major cities of India, covering North, West and South India.  Structural equation modeling was employed to test the proposed model fit. This research shows that attitude towards organic food and subjective norms have a positive impact on the buying intention of organic food. Subjective norms have a positive impact on attitude towards buying organic food.Components of the theory of reasoned action, attitude and subjective norms are being used to find out their impact on buying intention of organic food. It is the first of its kind of study in the Indian environment as per the buying of organic food is concerned. No good study previously applied the theory of reasoned action to buying intention of organic food in India
Description Theory of Reasoned Action and Organic Food Buying in India
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