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An Empirical Analysis of Strategy Implementation Process in MSME of Balasore District

Year 2019
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XII Issue - I Jan. - Jun. 2019
Title An Empirical Analysis of Strategy Implementation Process in MSME of Balasore District
Authors Tulasi Bej Research Scholar (Ph.D) PG. Dept. of Business Management Fakir Mohan University, Balasore , Debadutta Das Assistant Professor PG. Dept. of Business Management Fakir Mohan University, Balasore
Broad area An Empirical Analysis of Strategy Implementation Process in MSME of Balasore District
 Successful strategy implementation is a vital for Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME).Many businesses could not maintain their competitive advantages, even though having a strong strategy formula process, because they do not have the procedure in implementing the strategies. Extra focus should be granted by Managers to accomplish this strategy implementation process. Numerous factors are responsible for strategy implementation process .This study researched the strategy implementation processes in Micro Small & Medium Enterprises in the Balasore District.  The study revealed that political and economic factors are more crucial for implementation strategy.
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