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Women Leadership: Use Emotional Intelligence to Transform the Culture of an Organization

Year 2020
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XIII Issue - I, Jan. - Jun. , 2020
Title Women Leadership: Use Emotional Intelligence to Transform the Culture of an Organization
Authors Satya Sidhartha Panda , Kaushani Banik
Broad area Women Leadership: Use Emotional Intelligence to Transform the Culture of an Organization
 Emotions are feelings that makes an individual learn various traits and follow them. Women are usually tagged to be emotionally stronger than men. Is it true when it comes to perform well in a business environment? This is a very valid question which is asked every now and then. It is very much a debatable topic nowadays. Women who are linked with better skills and knowledge are capable to control even their emotions. This article deals with this sensitive issue. Many articles are written on this topic and various experiments are carried to prove the essence of this issue.The findings have indicated that women are more on their emotional intelligence controlling than other. This article will unfold the real leadership traits of a women and how emotional intelligence was used to transform an existing organizational culture.
Description Women Leadership: Use Emotional Intelligence to Transform the Culture of an Organization
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