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The Effectiveness of Internal Audit in Improving Corporate Governance: A Case of an Ethiopian Public University, Ethiopia

Year 2019
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XII Issue - II, July - Dec., 2019
Title The Effectiveness of Internal Audit in Improving Corporate Governance: A Case of an Ethiopian Public University, Ethiopia
Authors Mershaye Birhane
Broad area The Effectiveness of Internal Audit in Improving Corporate Governance: A Case of an Ethiopian Public University, Ethiopia
 The importance of internal audit as element of a strong public sector governance foundation is increasing from time to time. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the internal auditing in improving corporate governance of Bule Hora University. Descriptive research design has been used with primary and secondary data by using structured questionnaire, in-depth interview & documentary review. The study reveals that the internal audit unit has low technical proficiency, did not have adequate resource, internal audit recommendations are not afforded enough attention and there was no audit charter and audit committee in the university. Thus, the study forwarded the following recommendations. Internal audit unit technical proficiency should be improved, provision of sufficient resources and should have audit committee that ensures the independence of internal audit, and finally, the University should establish internal audit charter for internal auditors.
Description The Effectiveness of Internal Audit in Improving Corporate Governance: A Case of an Ethiopian Public University, Ethiopia
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