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Branding During Recession: The Brand Managers’ Perspective

Year 2020
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XIII Issue - II, Jul. - Dec., 2020
Title Branding During Recession: The Brand Managers’ Perspective
Authors Dhananjay Singh
Broad area Branding During Recession: The Brand Managers’ Perspective
 Thepurposeofthispaperistoaddress the concerns of brand managersin managing the performance of their brands during recessionary times. The study is conducted by means of an exploratory qualitative study using phenomenological approach. The specific purpose is to explore the branding and marketing activities attempted by brand managers in India to increase brand value. The paper begins by evaluating the world of branding and brand equity. After establishing the premise that power of a brand lies in the consumers mind as per the customer-based brand equity, the paper discusses the research methodology, results and interpretations. The paper provides the insight of marketing activities that brand managers can use in the time of recession. This paper analyses factors that influence brands’ value and also tries to understand the consumer drivers to buy an appropriate brand.The paper has implications for brand managers in emerging markets like India, throughwhichitispossibletoeffectivelymanagebrands in recessionary times. This paper has great value for future research as the results can constitute a starting point for in-depth research in future. The paper concludes by acknowledging the limitations of the study, discussing the managerial implications of its ûndings, and by identifying future research opportunities for scholars within this area.
Description Branding During Recession: The Brand Managers’ Perspective
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