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Growth of the D-Ksa Micro-Enterprise from the Perspective of Market Expansion

Year 2020
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XIII Issue - II, Jul. - Dec., 2020
Title Growth of the D-Ksa Micro-Enterprise from the Perspective of Market Expansion
Authors Jose G. Vargas-Hernandez , Lic. Laura Guadalupe Isabel Lopez Becerra
Broad area Growth of the D-Ksa Micro-Enterprise from the Perspective of Market Expansion
 The objective of this research is to analyze and determine the factors and strategies that can be implemented within the D-Ksa Microenterprise in order to expand its capabilities, from the perspective of market expansion. It is intended to answer the research question, why, even with the participation in different events to position the brand in the market, do not specify more points of sale in the state of Jalisco ?, through the hypothesis that by means of alliances strategic alliances will increase participation in the market, the aforementioned alliances will give the guidelines to carry out this analytical research based on the point of view of resources and capacities, implementing the value, rarity, imitibality and organization model (VRIO).
Description Growth of the D-Ksa Micro-Enterprise from the Perspective of Market Expansion
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