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Influence of High Performance Work System, Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organizational Learning Capability and Creativity on “Management Support” of Corporate Entrepreneurship - An Empirical Study

Year 2020
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XIII Issue - II, Jul. - Dec., 2020
Title Influence of High Performance Work System, Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organizational Learning Capability and Creativity on “Management Support” of Corporate Entrepreneurship - An Empirical Study
Authors M. Banumathi
Broad area Influence of High Performance Work System, Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organizational Learning Capability and Creativity on “Management Support” of Corporate Entrepreneurship - An Empirical Study
 Corporate entrepreneurship is an organizational process for transforming individual ideas into collective actions through the management of uncertainties. The main purpose of this study is to identify empirically study of the influencing of high performance work system, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurial orientation, organizational learning capability and creativity on management support of corporate entrepreneurship. Data was collected from 400 executives working in 12 manufacturing companies in Chennai and multiple regression analysis was adopted to select the respondents. This indicates that respondents are ready to consider the factors while management support in manufacturing company. Results showed that the factors like management support significant of corporate entrepreneurship.
Description Influence of High Performance Work System, Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organizational Learning Capability and Creativity on “Management Support” of Corporate Entrepreneurship - An Empirical Study
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