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The Effectsof Entrepreneurial competencies on Start-up Success of Graduate Business Owners: The Case of Entrepreneurship Development Centre Trainees

Year 2020
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XIII Issue - II, Jul. - Dec., 2020
Title The Effectsof Entrepreneurial competencies on Start-up Success of Graduate Business Owners: The Case of Entrepreneurship Development Centre Trainees
Authors Getnet Worke
Broad area The Effectsof Entrepreneurial competencies on Start-up Success of Graduate Business Owners: The Case of Entrepreneurship Development Centre Trainees
 The purpose of this study was to investigate entrepreneurial competencies of graduate business ownersof EDC trainees (Entrepreneurship Development Centre of Ethiopia) and its effect on startup success. Descriptive and explanatory method was applied. The population of the study included all the four-round trainee of the Entrepreneurship workshop training of the November and Dec, 2019 hosted by the EDC of Ethiopia in partnershipwith Federal Urban Job Creation and Food Security Agency, Ministry of Urban Development and Housing and UNDP. Using random sampling technique 202 trainee’s country wide were selected using yemane’s sample size calculation formula from the total population of 410. The required data is obtained through structured questionnaires and it was adopted from two prior related studies: The questionnaire was based the personal entrepreneurial competencies (PECs), adopted from four research works. To check the reliability and validity of the adopted instruments the Cranach’s coefficient alpha test and the content validity test was carried out. In the analysis descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis was performed. The descriptive finding of the study shows that that the development of personal entrepreneurial competencies of graduate business owners are moderate.  The correlation analysis revealed that all the alternative hypotheses were supported. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends that trainer organizations and the government should work on developing and equipping graduated business owners with competencies in a way that they can able to succeed in their respective business.
Description The Effectsof Entrepreneurial competencies on Start-up Success of Graduate Business Owners: The Case of Entrepreneurship Development Centre Trainees
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