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Impact of Development-oriented HRD practices on Intention to Stay among IT professionals

Year 2021
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XIV, Issue - II, Jul. - Dec. 2021
Title Impact of Development-oriented HRD practices on Intention to Stay among IT professionals
Authors Aslam Hasan , Dr. M. Ashraf Ali
Broad area Impact of Development-oriented HRD practices on Intention to Stay among IT professionals
 IT companies are knowledge-based organizations and their success depends upon human resources. To maintain a pool of highly productive IT professionals, organizations allocate considerable amounts in their budget for HRDP to develop and retain them. In this way, the principal point of the current examination is to explore the connection and impact of development-oriented HRDP on IT professional’s intention to stay. Data were collected online through google form self-administered questionnaires from 241 IT professionals working in Indian IT companies of India. Data were analyzed through simple-regression methods using SPSS version 26. The results revealed that learning and training system, and performance guidance and development found to have a significant and positive impact on IT professional’s intention to stay. Overall development-oriented HRDP have influencing power to retain them. The study has implication for HRD professionals in implementing practices that are beneficial for information technology organizations.
Description Impact of Development-oriented HRD practices on Intention to Stay among IT professionals
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