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Resilience and OCB among Employees of Information Technology Sector in Kerala: An Empirical Study

Year 2021
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XIV, Issue - II, Jul. - Dec. 2021
Title Resilience and OCB among Employees of Information Technology Sector in Kerala: An Empirical Study
Authors Dr. Vivek S. A.
Broad area Resilience and OCB among Employees of Information Technology Sector in Kerala: An Empirical Study
 Today, business wide acknowledges the importance of positive scientific discipline, there is a bigger accent on exploring human resource strengths to modify the work defies and augments organizational performance. Previous studies suggest that resilience absolutely relates to desired employee behavior, and performance like Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB) among industrial employees. However, no study has been found in Information Technology (IT) sector and it would be intriguing to understand resilience - OCB relationship. The study sample comprised workers (N = 362) operating in distinguished IT corporations of Technopark and adjacent areas, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Data were collected with the assistance of self-administered questionnaires through systematic sampling. A model was developed and tested in which the effect of resilience on OCB was hypothesized and tested using SPSS. The results offer empirical proof for the positive relationship between resilience and OCB. 
Description Resilience and OCB among Employees of Information Technology Sector in Kerala: An Empirical Study
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