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Role of Strategic Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Effectiveness: A case study companies in Ethiopia

Year 2021
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XIV Issue - I, Jan. - Jun. 2021
Title Role of Strategic Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Effectiveness: A case study companies in Ethiopia
Authors Worku Mekonnen , Hayalu Limeneh
Broad area Role of Strategic Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Effectiveness: A case study companies in Ethiopia
 The purpose of this study was to trace the role of    strategic human  resource management practices  on    organizational effectivness.  Towards this end, an explanatory research design was employed. Out of 160 target population a sample size of 115 was taken using Guilford and Flruchter (1973) formula and responses of 115 employees were analyzed.  The study uncovered that the level of SHRM practices  were medium since its mean value lies between 3.33 and 3.69 From Likert’s Scale Measurement it shows medium value which is 3 and above. As the result of person correlation coefficient analysis result shows a positive significant correlation between   each SHRM practice and organizational effectiveness. Furthermore, the predictive power of   SHRM practices on organizational effectiveness was 45.7%.  Therefore, the study recommended that the organizations should give much emphasis for  strategic HRM practices  to yield higher organizational effectiveness.
Description Role of Strategic Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Effectiveness: A case study companies in Ethiopia
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