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Effect of Learning Organisation and Organisational Effectiveness: Study with specific Reference to IT Sector

Year 2009
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 2 | Issue 1 | January – June
Title Effect of Learning Organisation and Organisational Effectiveness: Study with specific Reference to IT Sector
Authors Dr. Dileep Kumar M
Broad area Effect of Learning Organisation and Organisational
In the 21 century
businesses build organizational
structures no only with the
responsibilities, hierarchy and
process flows but also with the
organization’s mindset, attitudes,
perceptions, the quality of
products, the ways in which
decisions are made, and hundreds
of other factors. The Learning
Organization is a concept that is
becoming an increasingly
widespread philosophy in modern
companies, from the largest
multinationals to the smallest
ventures. Many consultants and
organizations have recognized the
commercial significance of
organizational learning – and the
notion of the ‘learning
organization’ has been a central
orienting point in this. This
particular research tries to
understand how far the learning
organization environment supports
the organization, especially in IT
(information technology) Sector in
their journey towards
organizational effectiveness and
business success.
Description In the era of growing market competition every organization that wants to grow rapidly must ensure that their employees’ attitude towards work and the work culture are improving. The literature predominantly focuses on providing best practices and model
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