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Neuro-Marketing as the new science for marketing: understanding perspectives and defining future research agendas

Year 2023
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume-XVI, Issue-1, Jan.-Jun
Title Neuro-Marketing as the new science for marketing: understanding perspectives and defining future research agendas
Authors Tanveer Nayak
Broad area Marketing

Neuromarketing, also known as consumer neuroscience, is a field of study that focuses
on the analysis of the brain to forecast and, potentially, even manipulate the behaviour and decisionmaking
of consumers. Over the course of the past five years, a number of ground-breaking studies
have shown that it has the opportunity to generate value for marketers. The assessment of
physiological and neural signals to delve into the choices, judgements, and possible motives of
customers order to delve into the choices, judgements, and possible motives of customers is what is
generally meant when the term “neuromarketing” is used. Standard techniques include brain
scanning to determine neural activity and physiological tracking to determine other forms of exercise
like eye movement. This paper looks at some of the studies that have been conducted on those
methods and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using them. Experts caution that the
domain is riddled with operators who grossly overstate what neuromarketing can deliver, so
prospective users of neuromarketing must exercise caution when working in conjunction with
specialist consultants. Are there any of the consultancy`s data, methods, or tools been published in
journals that have been subjected to peer review? Do the consultants also have expertise in marketing
in addition to their knowledge of the sciences?
