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Data Mining as a tool for Studying projectile system performance A Case Study

Year 2009
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 2 | Issue 1 | January – June
Title Data Mining as a tool for Studying projectile system performance A Case Study
Authors K. K. Chand & S. Pattnaik
Broad area projectile system performance A Case Study
The design, development and maintenance of a projectile system generate a significant amount of information, data, knowledge and documentation for its end use. The real worth of these databases lies not only in easy data access, but also in the additional possibility of extracting the engineering knowledge implicitly contained in these data. As Data Mining (DM) or Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) has been evolved into an important and active research area in theoretical as well as practical applications challenges for last few decades, therefore, the problem associated with the extracting and discovering previously unknown knowledge from large databases along with the analytical modeling and data driven techniques gain more and more importance in this context. Reflecting this trend, the paper discusses an overview on the fundamental issues of DM or KDD and then its application in projectile system performance evaluation as a case study from the armament industry.
Description The Armament industry has adapted the information technology in its processes in terms of various modeling, simulation via computer aided design and drafting, manufacturing and testing systems, performance evaluation via statistical, fuzzy and neural tech
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