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Ethics In Human Resource Management (HRM)

Year 2009
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 2 | Issue 2 | July – December
Title Ethics In Human Resource Management (HRM)
Authors Dr. S. S. Khanka
Broad area Ethics In Human Resource Management (HRM)
Employees, used as interchangeably,
are one of the stakeholders of a
business corporation and experience
suggests that management of
human resources assumes a great
significance in running a corporation
successfully.Ethical issues are
involved in all aspects of human
resources management (HRM) i.e.,
recruitment, selection, promotion,
compensation, discrimination,
sexual harassment, employee
privacy, etc. The success or failure,
to a large extent, of an organization
depends on its human resources. It
is mainly human resources that
make difference across the
organizations.In this article author
has narrated above ethical issues
in respect of Human Resource.
Description Human resources, i.e. employees, used as interchangeably, are one of the stakeholders of a business corporation and experience suggests that management of human resources assumes a great significance in running a corporation successfully. However, evidenc
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