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Measuring effectiveness of IT surveys through statistical sampling scheme

Year 2010
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 3 | Issue 1 | January – June
Title Measuring effectiveness of IT surveys through statistical sampling scheme
Authors Dr. Pankaj Nagar , Mr. Avadhesh Kumar Gupta , Dr. V.P. Gupta
Broad area Measuring effectiveness of IT
In order to measure IT effectiveness, most firms will need to administer a survey to staff, suppliers and customers /end users .To do this, and considerable knowledge and skill relating to survey design, sample choice and so on is required If handled correctly, a survey can provide detailed information about system effectiveness, but conducted poorly, the survey may be useless and a complete waste of time and money. It is not possible to describe a single, concise way in which to conduct a survey using questionnaires. There are many different approaches to a survey and the appropriateness of the approach is entirely dependent on the particular circumstances being addressed. Furthermore survey design is still regarded as more of an art than a science. It is generally agreed that each study using questionnaires is unique.The sampling scheme is one of the important issue to be considered.
Description All surveys require the selection of those individuals who are to provide the information. This set of individuals is called the sample. The sample comes from much larger group of individuals or objects called the target population. The target population
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