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Realization of Post Merger Synergies of Select Indian Corporate

Year 2010
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 3 | Issue 1 | January – June
Title Realization of Post Merger Synergies of Select Indian Corporate
Authors Dr. Kavita Chavali
Broad area Realization of Post Merger Synergies
Indian companies have been increasingly exposed to both domestic and international
competition since liberalization of the economy. To face this competition Indian
corporate had no choice but to transform and restructure by going in for Mergers and
Acquisitions as an important strategic choice. This study focuses on analyzing and
understanding the trends in Mergers and Acquisitions in India and the impact of this
strategic activity on the post merger performance of a firm. The most important
motive behind Merger and Acquisition in India is the growth and synergies which is
expected in the post merger scenario. The study compares and evaluates the pre
and post merger corporate performance of sample companies in the post liberalized
period in India. It also tests the number of years it takes for a company to experience
these synergies.
Description Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) are not new in the Indian scenario. The M&A activity in India happened in two phases Pre liberalization (up to 1990) and the Post liberalization phase (1990 onwards). During the Pre liberalized era / licensing period the objec
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