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Customers’ attitude towards service quality – An Empirical study with reference to Indian commercial Banks

Year 2010
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 3 | Issue 1 | January – June
Title Customers’ attitude towards service quality – An Empirical study with reference to Indian commercial Banks
Authors Mr. L. Shankara
Broad area An Empirical study with reference to Indian commercial Banks
In this electronic banking era, the three segments of banks in India namely, SBI and
its Associates, Other Public Sector Banks & Private Sector Banks have been
competing with each segment and service quality has become an indispensable
weapon to have competitive edge. The author has made an attempt to identify various
service quality factors using Factor analysis and ANOVA has been applied to know
whether there is any difference in custormers’ attitude with regard to service quality
factors in the three segments of banks. The study is done in banks at Salem district,
Tamil Nadu and the sample size of the customers is 895 and customers are chosen
using stratified random sampling method.
Description In this electronic era, the service sector has been showing promising signs across the globe. Competition and technological advancement are the twin factors that have brought about unimaginable changes in customer services. India is also sailing in accord
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