ISSN NO: 0974-4274(PRINT), ISSN NO: 2582-1148(ONLINE)

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Monetary Policy Measures in Times of Global Recession

Year 2010
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 3 | Issue 1 | January – June
Title Monetary Policy Measures in Times of Global Recession
Authors Dr. Ranjana Agarwal
Broad area Monetary Policy Measures in Times of Global Recession
This paper gives a holistic view of monetary policy measures taken in India in view of the global recession. Monetary policies are measures taken by the central bank of a country. As in case of all countries, RBI has taken several measures to inject liquidity in the Indian economy. It has made use of several instruments as CRR, Repo and reverse rates. The latest step was the cut in repo and reverse repo rates which was taken on 21 April, 09. This paper discusses the monetary policy measures taken to revive the economy in times of recession. It also shows the results arising due to monetary policy measures taken in times of recession. The aim of the paper is to highlight a. The monetary policy in times of global recession in India. b. Effect of monetary policy
Description The global recession has impacted major economies of the world. All major economies, especially the developed countries have been impacted by the crisis. India is not facing a recession but a slowdown. India was a buoyant healthy economy with a GDP growth
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