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Employee Empowerment and Organizational Outcomes: An Overview

Year 2010
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 3 | Issue 2 | July
Title Employee Empowerment and Organizational Outcomes: An Overview
Authors Dr. Chandan Kumar Sahoo , Dr. Upendra Nath Sahu , Sitaram Das
Broad area Employee Empowerment and Organizational Outcomes: An Overview
Employee empowerment provides a sense of high self-esteem, high
degree of involvement, and a greater sense of achievement. It has
been observed that employee empowerment is the only influential factor
for significant business growth. Hence success or failure of participative
management will depend on clarity, caution and sensitivity with which
they are dealt. Adequate preparations are required by way of developing
mutual understanding on these issues before the schemes are
launched. It is an important process in the organization to foster better
decision-making, high job satisfaction, higher productivity, low
absenteeism & labor turnover, better problem-solving through initiation
of learning environment and opportunities for personal growth and
development which in turn result into greater organizational effectiveness.
Description Organizations today need to change themselves by being more innovative, creative and by reorienting themselves toward people-based systems that focus on motivation, empowerment and freedom. Empowerment is a philosophy which believes in enriching people’
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