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Strategic Human Resource Development Initiatives in Indian Retail Organisations

Year 2010
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 3 | Issue 2 | July
Title Strategic Human Resource Development Initiatives in Indian Retail Organisations
Authors Dr.S.F.Chandra Sekhar , Dr.Sitansu Panda
Broad area The Influence of Computerization in Public & Private Sector Banks
This paper is a survey of public and private bank employee’s responses
toward computerisation of banking services. The objective of this
analysis is to measure the employees’ awareness, perception, and the
level of satisfaction with regard to IT Services offered by the Indian
public and private sector banks in the Jaipur city. The study has divided
into four major segments i.e. Information Technologies Strategic
advantages, Technological know-how and organizational capacity,
Decision making process and, Motivations toward Information
Description India has a well-developed banking system. Indian entrepreneurs and visionaries founded most of the banks in India in the preindependence era to provide financial assistance to traders, agriculturists and budding Indian industrialists. Indian banks have p
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