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A Study on the Glass Celing Effect and its Rational Perspective

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Issue I | Jan
Title A Study on the Glass Celing Effect and its Rational Perspective
Authors Santhosh VA , Saji Kuriakose
Broad area A Study on the Glass Celing Effect and its Rational Perspective
This paper emphasizes in giving the concept of Glass Ceiling a different
perspective. The phenomenon is observed and analyzed through
various angles to find out the rationale behind. The article after
explaining the basics like the origin, the present state etc, takes a path
where it critically evaluates and takes its stand favourable for certain
factors which traditionally have been blamed for generating the Glass
ceiling and restricting women employees from getting into top
positions. Those factors include the employer who decides on the
policy regarding the ceiling, the competency of the women employee
who is considered to be the victim, the system existing in the
organizations which have a role to play in deciding the ceiling like the
recruitment Board, Performance Appraisal etc. The article also discuss
the impact of glass ceiling on married couples working in same place
as it stands as an emerging challenge in every organization.
Description Are women equally competent with men at work is a prevalent matter of debate. Experts repeatedly certify that women are capable enough to do all the work that men do. It is the need of the present social situation to accept women at par with men and give
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