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Issues of Occupational Stress : A Study on the Call Center Employees

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Issue I | Jan
Title Issues of Occupational Stress : A Study on the Call Center Employees
Authors Indranil Bose
Broad area Issues of Occupational Stress :
Call centre industry is a well researched and highly debated field of study
from different perspectives. One of the area of such concern remains the
occupational stress due to different reasons including dubious identity
issue, high performance target orientation etc. In this particular research
paper first hand attempt has been made to find out the stress level and
mental health dynamics among call center employees from different
behavioural dimensions. For the purpose of the study, a total number of
100 employees have been selected from two different processes i.e.
Domestic (N=50) and International (N=50) of a call center at Kolkata. The
sample has included both male and female employees in equal number.
Two scales namely Life Stress Scale and Mental Health Inventory were
administered to all the subjects. Scores obtained have been further
analyzed with the help of appropriate statistical tools like ANOVA and ttest.
Results revealed that significant difference in stress and mental health
observed with respect to both genders from domestic call center. Male
employees from both the call centers differed significantly on stress scores.
Description Stress is one of the important consequences resulting from organizational culture. Occupational stress is a chronic disease caused by conditions in the work place that negatively affect an individual’s performance and overall well being of his body and
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