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Integrated Talent Management Practices-Transforming Human Potentiality into Performance

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Issue I | Jan
Title Integrated Talent Management Practices-Transforming Human Potentiality into Performance
Authors Priyanka Mishra , Dr. P.K. Mohanty
Broad area Integrated Talent Management Practices
The performance of companies depends mostly on the quality of their
human resource. For obvious economic and business reasons,
organizations have always been concerned about the growth, competence
and retention of its people. Hence employee development and talent
management are essential elements of any strategic human capital
management program. Thus the focus has shifted from ‘numbers’ to
‘quality’ and from ‘recruitment’ to ‘retention’. Many organizational human
resource practices play dominant role in building employee competence
and commitment. Out of the plentiful, the training and development
practices in the organization facilitates the talent management in the
organization. This paper discusses the role of the corporate talent
management strategies in developing the skills of the employees and
satisfying the needs of the organization based on the study conducted by
IBM Institute for Business Value/ Human Capital Institute
Description Talent management refers to identify the employee talent and utilizing it effectively and retaining the same talent to compete with similar organizations. Talent is a competitive advantage. A talent management strategy will improve organizational performa
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