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Study on Consumer Buying Behavior in Shopping Malls

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Issue I | Jan
Title Study on Consumer Buying Behavior in Shopping Malls
Authors Mitushi Singh , Dr. S.K. Dubey
Broad area Study on Consumer Buying Behavior in Shopping Malls
From eyeballs to footfalls - the human psyche has taken a complete downward journey in the last five years. If it was eyeballs (number of visits to websites) during the dotcom boom of 2000, now it is footfalls (number of visitors to malls). The study of consumer behavior focuses on how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption-related items. The field of consumer behavior covers a lot of ground. Buyer behaviour is deeply rooted in psychology with dashes of sociology thrown in just to make things more interesting. Since every person in the world is different, it is impossible to have simple rules that explain how buying decisions are made. But those who have spent many years analysing customer activity have presented us with useful “guidelines” in how someone decides whether or not to make a purchase. The paper focuses on the awareness level of consumers regarding their buying behaviour in shopping malls and their level of satisfaction in this regard.
Description For the Indian mass affluent, the call of the mall is proving irresistible. Malls increasingly dot the urban Indian landscape and their packed parking lots, busy food courts and restaurants, crowded anchor stores and noisy gaming arcades bear testimony to
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