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Education for All : Myth or Reality ? An Indian Perspective

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Issue I | Jan
Title Education for All : Myth or Reality ? An Indian Perspective
Authors Sumana Shome , Amrita Basu
Broad area Education for All : Myth or Reality
Education is one of the major indicators or rather; the barometer of a country’s growth and prosperity-It reflects a nation’s progress towards overall economic development. With the opening up of the economy by the liberalization policy of 1991, there have been vast advancements in the field of Education-In a way India has become one of the meeting ground of students from all over the world as well as giants from the academia. The international interface has aided the establishment of quality institutes like the Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Institutes of Management. Yet, the increase in population and the growing poverty levels have posed a real threat in spreading education amongst the masses. Moreover, the great gender divide and the social mindset have added to the troubles faced by educationists. Various measures have been implemented, but, this service sector is not without its profound gaps. The paper seeks to seep into the pores of these gaps and attempts to delve into the different nuances of our education system.
Description India is a fast growing developing nation. The Indian soil yields people with high talent and potentials. But the need of the hour is to nurture them properly. Education is the basic requirement of all individuals - It aids in self discovery by making a p
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