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Value Creating - Acquisition Strategies

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Spl. Issue 2 | Jan
Title Value Creating - Acquisition Strategies
Authors Biswa Ranjan Mohanty , Sudhansu Sekhar Swain
Broad area Value Creating - Acquisition Strategies
One hundred and four tender offers between 1962 and 1979 were
analyzed to develop a conceptual framework to determine the
connection between economic value and diversification strategies in
acquisitions, as well as to determine whether different acquisition
methods are connected with varying degrees of value creation.
Research results indicate that different sources of value creation are
likely to develop in various types of acquisitions. Research results
also indicate that value creation is dependent on the mixture of
characteristics of two merging companies, not the separate
characteristics of each firm. Additionally, research results indicate that
differences in performance between unrelated and related
diversification methods is dependent upon categorizing firms as
following one method or the other.
Description There is no magic formula to make acquisitions successful. Like any other business process, they are not inherently good or bad, just as marketing and R&D aren’t. Each deal must have its own strategic logic. In our experience, acquirers in the most succ
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