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Changing Roles of Women and the Implications on Retail Strategies

Year 2011
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - IV | Spl. Issue 3 | April
Title Changing Roles of Women and the Implications on Retail Strategies
Authors Dr.K.S.Chandrasekar , K.G.Prasanna Sivagami
Broad area Changing Roles of Women and the Implications on Retail Strategies
No longer is “customer a king”. It is time to realize that “Customer
is a Queen”. Today’s women consumers are independent,
influencing, empowered and have purchasing power. She takes
her own decisions not only in house hold areas, but also in nontraditional
avenues like real estate, investments, technological
products and automobiles. Most of the women in India are educated
and transformed as a working force from mere housewives. It has
changed her lifestyle and shopping behavior to a great extent. The
long working hours, the double income in the family has resulted
in the need for new products and services. Retailers have come
out with various strategies on the 4 Ps of marketing to tap this new
Description The Indian consumer market has higher disposable income, modern urban lifestyle and increase in consumer awareness. This has changed the consumer behaviour. Buying power has also expanded to new consumer segments be it youth or Women. Women have undergone
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